Welcome to the page all about me! ❤Xoxo


This is a little intro to me.. Who am I and what in the world am I up to!?

Firstly, I say ‘little intro’ I'm not sure how true that is… we’ll see about that when I have finished typing lol.

I can hear you asking.. ‘what is going on in that glittery, pom pom, firework filled brain.. Jess’ well I can confirm.. Literally just that🤣🤣 It’s a fun place, also bonkers.

BUT lets take it back, taking it back to, taking it back to the old school.. (professional mode now).. 

* Clears Throat *

SO.. I was made & sprouted in the wonderful 0161 – Manchester UK!

I turned 26 the day this website went live. I'm an only child, my mum and dad split when I was younger, so I currently live with my Mum and my gorgeous, most sweetest doggo.. Jake (see photo below.. Iknow! he's super cute)

As cliché as it sounds, I really
have been arty and creative all my life. So much so that, (short story for you…) when I was maybe 3 or 4 I found a piece of glass outside and tried to calve my name into my mums new fridge. Tell me that’s not ambition! I wanted
to leave my mark from the age of 3 and look at me now🤣
Oh and an FYI – my Mum is a super clean freak (no offense to any clean freaks, they are cool 🤣) but living with me.. Messy Jessy, doesn't work
very well its like a pick and mix..
A large one..
That you have chose with your eyes closed..
In a pet shop...

Yeah I think you might be getting the idea…are you? …I'm mad, funny, iv got ADHD and fun fact... I cry at really stupid stuff when its hormonal O'clock..

Here's an example… I watched the McDonalds Brothers film recently and I started crying because McDonalds got customers, MCDONALDS GOT CUSTOMERS FOR BURGERS AND FRIES AND I CRIED!.

And it wasn’t a bit, it was a lot..

In the bath.

And that’s the end of that sentence.

I would describe my mind on a good day as
London Euston Station.

On a bad day – London Euston Station on Jubilee Weekend probably whilst there is a national protest taking place but the meeting point is in London and the supermarkets and shops have run out of toilet paper..

Of course none of these examples are realistic.

Oh wait they absolutely are.

In all honesty its just like a carnival that never closes, sometimes it rains and nobody is playing out and sometimes its glorious and then its glorious weather but its the school holidays and the ques for rides are BIG.

BUT the weather changes and so does time, so we ride it out babeyy.

Carnivals are much more fun as opposed to just a busy Euston , and I use the chaos carnival to my advantage when I can.

I'm a very curious person, I see magic in things
that people usually wouldn’t give a second look. My imagination and creativity
is unique to me, it is a part of me that I admire, along with many other things
but don't be fooled that list of improvement is still very long.

And that’s on me not having a ‘little intro’ and my ‘professional mode’

Lets be serious, I'm not going to be me if I'm in suit, tie and brief case mode.. Its boring.

And if you was to look in my breif case it would probably contain...

A pink fluffy pen with a broken unicorn on top

An apple for show and my apple watch (because if I forget to put it on, it just sits at the bottom of my bag for the unseeable until I remember)

Oh and probably an odd sock

A 7 month old banana

Or.. my best friends living room tv remote.. 🤣

“Why such detailed bag contents Jess?”…

That’s a few stories for another day. 🤣

Sending Love, Good vibes, and the confidence to wear your hair in a greasy bun for more than 2 days in a row (because I don’t do that)

Or.. The brain power to put the next serious energy gobbler in the imaginary eff off box with your finger on your lips, and the rest is bliss! ♥

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